High River Handi-Bus

making a difference in people's lives

Visa and Debit cards now accepted!
Any Handi Bus trip over $20 total can now be paid with your Visa or Debit card.
Your card can also be used to purchase Handi Bus Coupon books. Please notify Driver before the trip that a card will be used.

Wheelchair accessible Shuttle Service, Group Shuttle Service, Special Trips, Shopping / Evening / Weekend / Out of Town Adventures!

About Us

The High River Handi-Bus is a non-profit organization providing accessible transportation for seniors and for these with physical and/or special needs for the Community of High River and the surrounding area.

We are committed to providing our clients with access to the community and promoting independence. Our clients are treated as unique individuals with respect enabling them to maintain their dignity and individuality, We are committed to making a difference in people's lives and strengthening our community.

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 2 pm
Please call for appointment
403 601 3472

High River Handi Bus Sponsors and Donors

Rotary Club of High River Town of High River
High River Royal Canadian Legion Branch #71 Independent Order of Oddfellows, High River #22
High River Rebekah Lodge #129 Timleck Encampment #16
Knights of Columbus Kinsmen Club of High River
Western Communities Foundation Servus Credit Union, High River
Government of Alberta and Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission River City Classic Cars
Estate of Richard Perry The Fossen Family
Foothills Salvage and Recycling Society

Memorial donations made to the Handi-Bus Society can be mailed to: Handi Bus society, PO Box 5976, High River, AB T1V1P6. Income tax deductible receipts will be issued to the donors.

Latest News

In-Town trips booked 24 hr in advance are guaranteed service. Out-of-Town trips require 48 hr booking notice.

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